Purpose and program

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Purpose of the project

Community, joy and growth

We want to inspire youth to dance more, explore more, learn new skills and experience community and joy.

Street dance as an art and the community connected to it values diversity. We want to give youth tools and opportunity to develop their own language of dance, which we know can increase confidence and self expression. We want to help build an interest for freestyle (improvisation). In time the participants will be able to use dance in social setting and as a tool for expression themselves with and in front of others.


We want to inspire and support the interest for street dance and hip hop culture in different local communities around Norway.

The goal is that after a year of the project, the sites will get the knowledge to sustain the street dance community on their own; through hosting events like battles and jams, to create an open and inclusive dance scene.


We want to provide information about what street dance is and where it comes from.

Based on many years experience, Soul Sessions Oslo has created a platform for sharing and exchanging knowledge and skills. With this project we create a network that will help the project sites on their journey. This will create growth in smaller communities and help the culture expand.

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Kick Off for the local project leaders

Sentralen in Oslo August 31st - September 1st 2024

A seminar for all the adults involved from the different selected project sites. The purpose is to inform, clarify expectations and plan the coming year together. We will also go through budgets and how to organize jams and battles.

Weekend workshops

Selected project sites September 2024 – June 2025

Dance workshops with some of the finest educators in Norway, in addition to smaller sessions & jams/battles


1. The basic techniques of the style that the educator represent

2. Tools for freestyle (variations, patterns, creativity, expression etc.)

3. History about the streetdance culture and the development of the different styles

4. Sessions and jams/battle, with support from us

The details of the program will be planed in collaboration with the selected project sites, based on the needs, wants and funds. The project lasts one school year and the workshops will be spread out during the year.

Educators will travel to a project site and give workshops in street dance. These educators can fill multiple functions, be it hosts at jams, judges at battles and possibly DJs.

Summer Dance Camp

Sentralen in Oslo June 23rd-28th 2025

An inspiration boost at the end of the project! An intensive and social week full of workshops and other activities.

Mainly dance workshops, jams, battle and other activities. Workshops and over night stay is covers by SSO, while the travel to and from Oslo must be planned and funded by the project sites.


1. Dance workshops 

2. Battle and jam 

3. Other; excursion, rebus etc.


- Youth are gathered from different places in Norway, showing that there is a community and an arena for this type of dance that is accessible for all.

- We want every youth partaking to experience joy and accomplishment, and become a part of the community together with fellow youths from different backgrounds and experiences.

- Create friendships and connections across cities and districts.

- Fun, social, educational and challenging.


  • Sparebankstiftelsen DNB
  • Bufdir
  • Sentralen UNG