Dance educators

Before new rounds of the project we gather the educators for a Kick Off, for information and exchanging. Here we create a common understanding of the content and goals of our teaching.

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  • Marikken Heitkøtter Bratlie
  • Aaliyah Jakobsson
  • Marlene “Marlenita” Skoglund
  • Michael “Niako” Lamarre
  • Claudio “Comics” Fernandez
  • Mathias Jin Budtz
  • Camilla Tellefsen
  • Magnus Emaka Einang
  • Cedric Njonga Bitjoka
  • Marcio Salvador
  • Aida Frusan
  • Morad Aziman
  • Jens Jeffry Trinidad
  • Cassandra Moldenhauer
  • Sindre Vik
  • Monica Eileen Johnsen
  • Chriz Nypan
  • Freddy Milanya
  • Trine Torset Kjøsnes
  • Amie Mbye
  • Toby DeeDaran
  • Daniel Soleili Elahi
  • Trond André “B-Tech” Hansen
  • Marcus “Dark Marc” Andreassen
  • Ida Louise Sundby
  • Tonje Svendsen
  • Mohammed “Funkymoe” Hussein
  • Victor “Exaggerate” Prag