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Application deadline for 2024-25 is expired

Passionate people in Norway with access to a place suited for doing the project. This can be recreation clubs, culture- and dance schools.

The project is for youths ages 13-18. Are you yourself a youth that wished this project existed where you live? Contact an adult that works with youth and culture.

Motivation and commitment is the lead factors when choosing new places, and the potential for participating youths. Having an existing dance scene is a plus.

If your scene/community is small but committed, we encourage you to find collaborators nearby. This can be other dance- and culture schools, clubs or other arenas where youth gathers.

The project is not ment to compete with other existing offers, but be an added inspiration that can serve the dance scene as a whole in the community.

  • Who is applying?

    Contact info; e-mail and phone number of the adult(s) that will be responsible for the project.

  • About the local dance scene

    The history, level, the existing offers and the wishes for the community.

  • Dance studio

    That the applicant has a studio available for workshops.

  • Motivation

    The local project leaders motivation to do the project must come through, a long with guarantees that they will follow the project from start to end and be present for its duration.

  • Plan for funding

    What applications you plan to send*, with deadlines and expected reply, and other plans for funding. A budget with income and expenses must be added. See funding.

    *the chosen project sites will get a letter of intent that can be used in applications.

  • Why should we choose you?

    Why does your places need and want this project? On behalf of the youths and the local community. We encourage you to add photos and/or video that can describe your dance community. Video should be added as links to youtube/vimeo/dropbox or other similar platforms.

Feel free to contact us at for any and all questions about the project

  • Sparebankstiftelsen DNB
  • Bufdir
  • Sentralen UNG