Join us

By becoming a member you contribute to the continuation of the projects and events Soul Sessions Oslo organize. Being a member is free.

Thank you for registering your membership!


This privacy policy explains our handling of personal data that is collected to provide our services to members and others we work with.

The controller in the organization is the CEO if tasks have not been delegated. Inquiries for viewing, correcting or deleting personal data can be made to

We collect name, address, telephone number, date of birth and e-mail address from our members. This information is the basis for reporting on the number of members in order to receive public funding for running the organisation.

In addition, we need contact information for members in order to be able to provide an adequate offer and information related to membership. When you join the organisation, you agree to each individual area you allow the organization to use personal data for, for example invitations to events etc.

Upon termination of membership, your personal data will be deleted.

You can email us, but remember that all businesses are vulnerable to data theft. You should therefore not send sensitive content by e-mail. If we receive such an e-mail, we process the e-mail according to its content and delete it immediately.